My Latest

Pixel art of a runner

Uh, so what's this now?

I'm all over the damn place. I make stuff, I run, I do computer stuff for money. Most of this is done in the interest of avoiding other people.

You might have ended up here because of my YouTube channel, Virtual Runs with Mike where I strap a camera to myself and run around in the northern Minnesota woods like a complete doofus.

Do YOU have a terrible idea for a website or application?

If you PAY me, I can help you with transforming that godawful idea into a miserable, senseless reality. I'm a senior web developer with over 20 years of experience in PHP and frontend programming, especially WordPress. If there's some humanly possible way to get it done, I'll make that mother sing like Yoko Ono.

Learn more about how I work

Do you work for or own a company that makes running gear?

I'd love the opportunity to crap all over – sorry, "review" – your product in a video. Or, you know, say nice things about it if it doesn't stink. Email me at

Or, maybe you can support my terrible idea(s) by sponsoring the channel. Just think about how much stuff you'll sell when I fall off a cliff while conspicuously wearing your thingy. I promise to talk fondly about your doohickey while death approaches and the light slowly fades from my eyes. Email me at